High Voltage Testing and Engineering Commission


Zurich Office Hagenholzstrasse 81, 8050 Zürich (Google-Maps click here!)

Michael Walter

Dr. sc. ETH, Managing Director

Phone: +41 44 253 62 61

Email: walter@fkh.ch

Reinhold Bräunlich

Dr. sc.techn. ETH, Senior Engineer

Phone: +41 44 253 62 63

Mobile: +41 79 240 75 58

Email: braeunlich@fkh.ch

Vahe Der Houhanessian

Dr. sc.techn. ETH, Deputy Managing Director, Project Engineer

Phone: +41 44 253 62 66

Mobile: +41 79 261 15 73

Email: houhanessian@fkh.ch

Dominic Kleger

Dipl. El.-Ing. FH, Project Engineer

Phone: +41 44 253 62 69

Mobile: +41 79 240 70 34

Email: kleger@fkh.ch

Philippe Alff

Msc ETH ETIT, Project Engineer

Phone: +41 44 253 62 64

Mobile: +41 78 918 03 05

Email: alff@fkh.ch

Gunnar Andrae

M. Eng., Dipl. Ing. (FH), Project Engineer

Phone: +41 44 253 62 67

Mobile: +41 79 860 43 64

Email: andrae@fkh.ch

Henrik Menne

Dr. sc. ETH, Project Engineer

Phone: +41 44 253 62 68

Mobile: +41 76 392 97 71

Email: menne@fkh.ch

Ivan Barcan

M.Sc. TUM ETIT, Project Engineer

Phone: +41 44 253 62 60

Mobile: +41 78 625 55 43

Email: barcan@fkh.ch

Christian Lawnik

M. Eng. HTW Berlin, Projektleiter

Phone: +41 44 545 64 54

Mobile: +41 78 929 83 49

Email: lawnik@fkh.ch

Glenn Behrmann

B.S.E.E. Union College, Senior Engineer

Phone: -

Mobile: +41 76 500 88 60

Email: behrmann@fkh.ch

Saskia Muraro

Executive Secretary

Phone: +41 44 253 62 62

Email: muraro@fkh.ch

Adamo Mele

Electromechanical Engineer

Phone: +41 44 253 62 65

Mobile: +41 79 401 94 36

Email: mele@fkh.ch

Contact for the French-speaking region of Switzerland

Diego Friedli

M.Sc.Eng. HES-SO, Project Engineer

Phone: +41 44 253 62 69

Mobile: +41 79 711 36 09

Email: friedli@fkh.ch

Däniken Experimental Station 4658 Däniken (Google-Maps click here!)

Stefan Neuhold

Dr. sc.techn. ETH, Project Engineer

Phone: +41 62 288 77 93

Mobile: +41 79 239 18 92

Email: neuhold@fkh.ch

Mario Gobeli

Dipl. El.-Ing. FH, Project Engineer

Phone: +41 62 788 70 86

Mobile: +41 79 352 20 91

Email: gobeli@fkh.ch

Martina Müller

Msc EHT EETT, Deputy Managing Director, Project Engineer

Phone: +41 62 288 77 97

Mobile: +41 79 573 44 89

Email: mueller@fkh.ch

Toni von Deschwanden

Electromechanical Engineer

Phone: +41 62 288 77 96

Mobile: +41 79 246 73 18

Email: deschwanden@fkh.ch

Markus von Arx


Phone: +41 62 788 70 80

Mobile: +41 78 658 62 68

Email: vonarx@fkh.ch

Simon Mutter

Power Electronics Specialist

Phone: +41 62 788 70 87

Mobile: +41 79 529 10 15

Email: mutter@fkh.ch

Tobias Felber


Phone: +41 62 288 77 97

Mobile: +41 79 726 38 15

Email: felber@fkh.ch

Basil Peter


Phone: +41 62 288 77 94

Mobile: +41 78 252 86 24

Email: peter@fkh.ch

Däniken Insulating Oil Laboratory 4658 Däniken (Google-Maps click here!)

Peter Frey

Laboratory Manager

Phone: +41 62 288 77 92

Mobile: +41 78 738 70 86

Email: frey@fkh.ch

Franziska Schenker

Laboratory Chemist

Phone: +41 62 288 77 92

Email: schenker@fkh.ch

Thomas Heizmann

Dr. sc.techn. ETH, Senior Engineer

Phone: +41 62 288 77 91

Mobile: +41 78 899 50 98

Email: heizmann@fkh.ch